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rockefeller foundation artinya

contoh kalimat "rockefeller foundation"
  • Draghi is a member of the Group of Thirty founded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
    Draghi adalah anggota Group of Thirty yang didirikan oleh Rockefeller Foundation.
  • The Rockefeller Foundation was instrumental in helping the college form its academic foundation.
    Yayasan Rockefeller berperan penting dalam membantu perguruan tinggi dari segi landasan akademisnya.
  • He has been the recipient of research grants from the Carnegie Corporation, Ford Foundation, and Rockefeller Foundation.
    Ia pernah menerima hibah penelitian dari Carnegie Corporation, Ford Foundation, dan Rockefeller Foundation.
  • An elf climbed in his window and told him to get money... from the Rockefeller Foundation for a telescope.
    Ada peri di jendelanya bilang agar mengambil uang dari Yayasan Rockefeller untuk teleskop.
  • It was founded in 1972 by a consortium of organisations convened by the Ford and the Rockefeller foundations.
    Lembaga ini didirikan tahun 1972 oleh suatu konsorsium yang dirintis oleh Yayasan Ford dan Yayasan Rockefeller.
  • One woman I knew who was a fellow at a program that I ran at the Rockefeller Foundation was named Ingrid Washinawatok.
    Seorang rekan wanita yang saya kenal melalui program yang saya pimpin di Rockefellar Foundation bernama Ingrid Washinawatok.
  • Between 1955 and 1975, he worked in the area of institutional philanthropy, becoming Vice President for International Programs at the Rockefeller Foundation.
    Antara 1955 dan 1975, ia bekerja di bidang filantropi kelembagaan dan menjadi Wakil Presiden Program Internasional Rockefeller Foundation.
  • IALA also received support from such prestigious groups as the Carnegie Corporation, the Ford Foundation, the Research Corporation, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
    IALA juga memperoleh dukungan dari beberapa kelompok bergengsi seperti Carnegie Corporation, Ford Foundation, Research Corporation, dan Rockefeller Foundation.
  • As a Fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation, he was an assistant in Potsdam and worked at the Mount Wilson Observatory in Pasadena, California.
    Sebagai anggota dari Rockefeller Foundation, ia adalah seorang asisten di Potsdam dan bekerja di Observatorium Mount Wilson di Pasadena, California.
  • By this time the Barnard Fellowship had expired, and Rabi and Helen were living off a $182 per month stipend from the Rockefeller Foundation.
    Pada masa itu, Barnard Fellowship telah berakhir dan Rabi dan Helen mendapatkan tunjangan $182 per bulan dari Yayasan Rockefeller.
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